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Blogs By Black Women
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Black & Single in The City

I pimp the truth, that's the only method

Tuesday, December 26

The sweetest thing I've ever known

Several moons have passed since my last real post and several more probably would have come and gone before I posted again. Yet here I am, and here I have come to try to put to words the experience I have just lived. And at this moment, I am still so raptured in the moment, that all I can do is glow. So for now, I will let a piece that I wrote many years ago express the gift he is to me.

He knows me.
He owns me.
He captivates me...
with his style
his smile
his love
his touch.
He inspires me.
He completes me.
He is the missing piece to my puzzle.
So wondrous...

He excites me.
Keeps my happily loving...
his thoughts
his words
his aspirations.
He rules me.
He is apart of me.
Each time I think he has fulfilled me,
He surprises me,
with new ideas
with new feelings
with new fantasies.
Contemplations of explorations...

He makes me feel golden.
He makes me feel phenomenal.
He makes me feel,
from my untextured hair
to my mahogany cherry redwood eyes
to my hips
to my thighs
down to the ends of my toe tips.

He is intrigued with my style,
my beauty
my intelligence.
He is attracted to my independence,
my enlightenment
my love for my blackness.
He does not change me,
mold me
control me
dismiss me for being just me.
He is my love.
He is my power.
He is my confident...
revelled in my heart
marveled in my eyes
accepted in my soul
cherished in my mind.


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