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Blogs By Black Women
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Black & Single in The City

I pimp the truth, that's the only method

Tuesday, September 29

Few understand the union of woman and man (the intro)

I live in the left field. I don't follow any "normal" set of rules, I don't march to anyone else's drum but my own. Which has caused me to be labeled weird on numerous occasions. If being weird means that I am my own individual and different from you and those you know, then cool. I'll be that.

Being the lone wolf that I am, I got some things on my heart that I have to let out. This has been stewing in me for some time now and I just have to give in. MY intentions were to write about something totally different, but I am submitting to being a vessel for THE SPIRIT to pour out. If you dont feel this, digg it, get upset with it, disagree, or it goes over your head, I'm cool with that too (and of course if you want to hit a sistah up I'm cool with that too).

Men and women. Brothahs and sistahs. I hear and see our interactions and it pains me. At some point we have got to stop pointing the finger at the opposite sex. Not to say that we dont have things we can teach the other, which would be a lie. In all honesty I see and overstand both points and both sides. However I sit and wonder if anyone is actually listening to the other. What is being said is not novel. It is not the first time we have heard it, seen it in our lives, our parents' lives, our friends' lives, played out on tv and movie screens, written about and narrated in prose, or sung about in a song.

I see none of us as niggas and bitches. Nor do I see us as such drastic opposites that we cant relate to the other. We are of the same thing/energy/essence/substance, you get my point. We are apart of each other. All of us are just growing. Some are further down the path than others. But still growing. This gender divide should not exist. Both sexes exist within us all. We are the product of the the sexes coming together and thus no one is without the ability to understand the other. For whatever reasons, we have lost the ability to tune into our masculine and feminine energy. Be it how we were raised, whom we grew up around, or what we have exposed ourselves too. But at some point we have got to start realizing we are not disconnected bodies.

And please dont think that I believe that I am some all knowing omnipotent higher being. Nope. I'm human, flawed and all. That's why it is hard for me to point the finger at others or even "toot my own horn" cause I realize I'm flawed and will forever be so. However, my life's journey has taught me to stop throwing stones when I too reside in a glass house.

I truly hope that we, men and women, yin and yang, will stop messing over the other. So that when we met genuine people of the opposite sex whose Kundalini is alive and well, we will not address them like all the others we have encountered.


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